亲情 Parental Love


我看众生 枉得人身 心行愚痴 不思亲恩
有大恩德 不生恭敬 忘恩负义啊 不孝不顺
母亲怀胎 十月苦辛 起坐不安 心神难宁
饮食无味 似受重病 十月怀满啊 临盆在即
疼痛难忍 血流满地 恐遭无常 嚎叫不已
受如是苦 生下儿身 咽苦吐甘 茹苦含辛
洗濯不净 不畏污秽 忍寒忍热 不舍儿哭
乾处儿卧 湿处母眠 三年之中 儿吮母乳
乳是母血 子长母悴 由婴而童 乃至成年
教导礼义 望子成龙 婚嫁营谋啊 望女成凤
儿受病磨 父母忧心 忧极病生 犹挂儿身
子若病除 母病方愈 如斯养育啊 盼早成人

I see human beings living their lives in vain
Ignorant in mind and in conduct, they are oblivious to their parents’ kindness
Despite receiving such immense kindness, they show no reverence
Without gratitude, they are disrespectful and rebellious
The mother endures pregnancy for ten lunar months
She has neither peace of mind nor comfort. Food loses its taste to her and she feels ill
After ten lunar months, the excruciating delivery is imminent
The pain during labor is unbearable and she bleeds profusely
Crying in agony, she fears the worst
It is through these torments that the mother gives birth to her child
She endures misery but gives comfort, shielding her child from suffering
She washes and cleans her child without concern for the filth or stench
She endures bitter cold and sweltering heat to keep her child from discomfort
She gives the dry place to her child while she herself sleeps in the damp
For three years, the child draws nourishment from the mother’s milk
The milk comes from the mother’s essence, so the mother grows haggard as her child grows
It is like this throughout the child’s life:from infancy to adulthood
The mother teaches her son proper manners and carries high hopes for his future
She plans for her daughter’s marriage, with high hopes for her as well
When the child becomes ill, his mother and father are filled with anxiety
Even if they themselves fall sick from the stress, their concern for the child’s health continues
Only after the child recovers does the mother’s own ailing health improve
Like this, the parents bring up the child,wishing only to see him mature into adulthood